Practitioner Lecture in Econometrics Course

Econometrics Practitioner Lecture The Econometrics Practitioner Lecture was held on Thursday, November 10 2022 via Zoom media. The UNY Statistics Study Program presents a practitioner from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Reninta Dewi Nugraheni, M.Sc. The topic presented in this practitioner lecture is "The use of econometrics in economics".

Kuliah Praktisi Mata Kuliah Machine Learning Statistika

Perkembangan kebutuhan data menjadi pintu yang secara jelas menghubungkan dunia Pendidikan Tinggi dan Industri. Mahasiswa terkhusus Program Studi Statistika memiliki tuntutan untuk dapat memahami pemanfaatan nyata dari data-data yang ada. Melalui mata kuliah Machine Learning Statistika, Program Studi Statistika FMIPA UNY menyelenggarakan kuliah praktisi dengan mengundang salah satu professional Data Scientist di Indonesia, yaitu Nur Chamid, S.Si.. Nur Chamid merupakan salah satu Data Scientist di PT.

Practitioner Lecture for Machine Learning Statistics Course

The development of data needs is a door that clearly connects the world of Higher Education and Industry. Students especially in the Statistics Study Program have demands to be able to understand the actual use of existing data. Through the Machine Learning Statistics course, the Statistics Study Program FMIPA UNY held a practitioner's lecture by inviting one of the professional Data Scientists in Indonesia, namely Nur Chamid, S.Sc.. He is a Data Scientist at PT. Astra International Tbk and alumni of the Mathematics Study Program, FMIPA UNY.

Kuliah Praktisi Mata Kuliah Statistika Keuangan

Program Studi Statistika UNY menyelenggarakan program Kuliah Praktisi untuk mata kuliah Statistika Keuangan dengan menghadirkan Bapak Yogiswara Perdana, M.M.. Beliau adalah Regional Head DIY Jateng PT. Mandiri Sekuritas. Kegiatan Kuliah Praktisi ini berlangsung pada tanggal 23 Maret 2022 dan 6 April 2022 secara daring. Pada pertemuan pertama, berbagai metode pada analisis tehnical investasi saham beserta contoh penerapan dibahas secara detail. Sedangkan manajemen investasi saham dikaji pada pertemuan kedua.

Practitioner Lecture for Financial Statistics Course

The UNY Statistics Study Program organizes a Practitioner Lecture program for the Financial Statistics course by presenting Mr. Yogiswara Perdana, M.M.. He is the Regional Head of DIY Central Java PT. Mandiri Securities. This Practitioner Lecture activity will take place online on March 23rd, 2022 and April 6th, 2022. At the first meeting, various methods of technical analysis of stock investments along with examples of their application were discussed in detail. Meanwhile, stock investment management was reviewed at the second meeting.


In general, Mathematics learning, both at school and at university, has now changed. Along with advances in information technology (IT), mathematics learning has varied, for example, students are given reading references on the Internet, teachers even give assignments to their students via the Internet, and students also submit assignments via the Internet. In this way, learning mathematics will feel easier.


Secara umum pembelajaran Matematika baik di sekolah maupun di universitas saat ini sudah berubah. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi informasi (TI), pembelajaran matematika sudah bervariasi, misalnya anak didik diberi referensi bacaan di internet, bahkan guru dalam memberikan tugas kepada anak didiknya juga sudah  melalui internet, dan siswapun mengumpulkan tugas juga melalui internet. Dengan demikian pembelajaran matematika akan terasa lebih mudah.
