The alumni service activity was held on Monday 12 February 2019. The alumni this time were Istiqomah, M.Sc, from PT. Chubb Life Indonesia and Febi Lastika Sari, S.Si. from PT. Mas Sumbiri Kendal, Central Java. Istiqomah graduated from S1 and then worked as a school book editor. Continuing his Masters in Mathematics at UGM by taking an Actuarial concentration. Next, he worked at PT Asuransi Prudential Life until mid-2018. Then continued his career at PT Chubb Life Indonesia Insurance. Meanwhile, Febi Lastika Sari, who graduated from S1, immediately filled a vacancy at PT Mas Sumbiri as an...
Post date: 16/05/2019 - 12:59
Post date: 16/05/2019 - 12:59
International seminar The 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Science and Statistics 2018 (ICMSS 2018), Putrajaya Malaysia, 6 – 8 February 2018. This activity was provided in a paper entitled "AN EPIDEMIC MODEL OF TUBERCULOSIS WITH VACCINE CONTROL IN YOGYAKARTA REGION INDONESIA" which was presented by Dwi Lestari, M.Sc. and co-author Atmini Dhoruri, M.S. The paper from the presentation will be published in the SCOPUS-...
Post date: 16/05/2019 - 12:59
The welcoming of new students for the 2013 Mathematics Education Department and the opening of Study Orientation and Campus Introduction at the Faculty level was held on Wednesday, 21 August 2013 at 07.00 WIB on the FMIPA UNY grounds. After the opening ceremony, it was continued with briefing for students by Dr. Sugiman, M.Si., Drs. Sahid, M.Sc, and Dr. Maman Agus Abadi.The contents of the briefing include the Department's Organizational Structure, Vision and Mission of the Mathematics and Mathematics Education Study Program, Academic Regulations, Student Ethics, Academic Services, Student...
Post date: 16/05/2019 - 12:59
STKIP Bengkulu Mathematics Education students make a comparative study to FMIPA UNY. The group was welcomed by the Head of the Mathematics Education Department, Dr. Sugiman, Coordinator of the Mathematics Education study program, Dr. Ali Mahmudi, lecturer/manager of the Mathematics Laboratory, Nurhadi, M.Hum., and FMIPA public relations officer, Witono N, SIP., recently in the faculty meeting room.
Head of the comparative study, Syarif, S.Pd., M.Pd., said, they came to UNY to see and learn about mathematics lab management. As a large university, of course, the laboratories owned by...
Post date: 16/05/2019 - 12:59
Manipulative materials are seen to be used to assist understanding and learning. The most difficult thing to teach is giving reasons why mathematics is rational. For example, if a number is divided, the result becomes bigger, such as if the number 4 is divided by ½, the result is 8. This makes mathematics learning seem difficult. To show this, it is easier to teach with Manipulative material.
This was stated by Dr. Sugiman, head of the Mathematics Education Department, FMIPA UNY, when welcoming a comparative study of 150 students of STKIP Garut Mathematics Education, on Tuesday, 23/...
Post date: 16/05/2019 - 12:59
Mathematics is a good subject that is beautiful and educational because for learning to think, mathematics is a kind of very powerful language. From a young age, children are familiar with mathematics. Mathematics is not just numbers, symbols, not just memorization, but meaningful mathematics.
In everyday life, people have to understand mathematics such as calculating, interpreting, etc. People have been introduced to work and further studies since school. One can also become a mathematician. This was conveyed by Mrs. Annie Makkink from the Netherlands at a public lecture for...
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