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To provide more insight to Mathematics Study Program students, FMIPA UNY brought in teachers from abroad, namely Wim T. van Horssen from Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands. The public lecture was held on Tuesday (23/9/2014) at FMIPA.
Horssen introduced that the Netherlands is a small country with a strong economy. The Netherlands is the third largest agricultural exporter in the world. The country has a high level of infrastructure for public transport, electricity, and telecommunications. Apart from that, the political atmosphere is also stable. In the Netherlands, most people use English to communicate. TU Delft is located in the city of Delft and is the largest technical university in the Netherlands. Delft is known as a student city, a tourist destination in Europe. More than 17,000 students study and live in Delft. Delft can be reached within an hour's travel distance from Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. “This technical university has received a very good assessment. TU Delft is ranked 23rd according to the Times Higher Education Ranking Engineering & Technology 2013—2014, and 15th in QS Engineering & Technology 2013. At TU Delft there are 17,500 undergraduate and postgraduate students, consisting of 15 BSc programs and 40 M.Sc programs. ," he continued
According to Horssen, TU Delft uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), a kind of Semester Credit System in Indonesia. In a year students earn 60 ECTS, for a total of 180 ECTS in the undergraduate program. Bachelors here hold a Bachelor of Science (BSc). "Students choose education at TU Delft because of several things, namely the quality of teaching, the reputation of qualifications, institutions and departments, and the quality of research," he added.
After introducing TU Delft, Horssen also gave material about elastic structure oscillations: mathematical modeling and analysis to students. (witono)
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Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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