The Participation of UNY Statistics Study Program Students in the National Statistics Seminar X, Department of Statistics, Padjadjaran University

Sunday, November 7th, 2021, students of the Statistics Study Program UNY 2018, presented their research articles at the National Statistics Seminar X with the theme "The Role of Big Data & Analytics in Start Up Industry on Era Society 5.0", which was organized by the Department of Statistics FMIPA Padjadjaran University (

Keikutsertaan Adi Setiawan dalam Luaran PKM 5 Bidang pada International Conference KAMIL Pascasarjana ITB

Wiwied Ishartuti, Choirul Fatihin, Rahmatika, dan Adi Setiawan dengan dosen pembimbing Bapak Ezra Putranda Setiawan, M.Sc. telah mempublikasikan artikel yang merupakan luaran PKM 5 bidang pada konferensi internasional KAMIL Pascasarjana ITB 2021. Konferensi internasional ini bertema “Smart City as An Alternative Solution for Development and Urban Equity in Indonesia” yang diselenggarakan pada bulan Agustus hingga Oktober tahun 2021.

Adi Setiawan's participation in the Outcome of PKM 5 Fields at the ITB Postgraduate KAMIL International Conference

Wiwied Ishartuti, Choirul Fatihin, Rahmatika, and Adi Setiawan with supervisor Mr. Ezra Putranda Setiawan, M.Sc. has published an article which is the output of PKM 5 fields at the international conference KAMIL Postgraduate ITB 2021. This international conference has the theme "Smart City as An Alternative Solution for Development and Urban Equity in Indonesia" which will be held from August to October 2021.

Menggali Informasi dari Data Spasial

Statistik Spasial merupakan salah satu mata kuliah pilihan bidang Biostatistika yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi S1 Statistika UNY.  Pada semester genap tahun 2021, mata kuliah ini diikuti oleh lima mahasiswa/i angkatan 2018. Di bawah bimbingan Kismiantini, Ph.D. dan Ezra Putranda Setiawan, M.Sc., mahasiswa tidak hanya mempelajari berbagai teori statistik spasial namun juga menerapkan metode-metode tersebut dalam memecahkan persoalan. Kemampuan mahasiswa/i tersebut ditunjukkan dalam penyusunan artikel ilmiah dengan memanfaatkan data sekunder di berbagai bidang. 

Digging Information from Spatial Data

Spatial Statistics is one of the elective courses in the field of Biostatistics held by the UNY Statistics Undergraduate Study Program. In the even semester of 2021, five students from batch 2018 will take part in this course. Under the guidance of Mrs. Kismiantini, Ph.D. and Mr. Ezra Putranda Setiawan, M.Sc., students not only studied various spatial statistical theories but also applied these methods in solving problems. The ability of these students is shown in the preparation of scientific articles by utilizing secondary data in various fields.

Keikutsertaaan Mahasiswa Statistika UNY Pada Lomba dan Seminar Matematika (LSM) XXIX 2021

Pada tanggal 24 April 2021, mahasiswa Prodi Statistika Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) Angkatan 2018 mempresentasikan artikel penelitian mereka pada Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika yang bertema “Innovation in Mathematics for National Education Technology (INTERNET)” yang diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika (Himatika) UNY. Mahasiswa prodi statistika tersebut adalah Adi Setiawan, Binti Luthfiyaturrohmah Aj, Fabian Vito Pradipta, dan Irena Sekar Dwi Hasnida.

Student of Statistics Study Program Participation in the Mathematics Competition and Seminar XXIX 2021

On April 24th, 2021, Student of Statistics Study Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta 2018 presented their research articles at the National Seminar on Mathematics and Mathematics Education with the theme "Innovation in Mathematics for National Education Technology (INTERNET)" organized by the Student Association of the Department of Mathematics Education (Hymatics) UNY. The statistics study program students are Adi Setiawan, Binti Luthfiyaturrohmah Aj, Fabian Vito Pradipta, and Irena Sekar Dwi Hasnida.

Participation of UNY Statistics Study Program students in National Seminar on Statistics IX, Department of Statistics, FMIPA, Padjadjaran University

Sunday, November 22, 2020, students of the Statistics Study Program FMIPA Yogyakarta State University, presented their research articles at the National Seminar on Statistics IX with the theme "The Role of Data Science in Economic Recovery Affected by Covid-19 in Indonesia", which was organized by the Department of Statistics FMIPA Padjadjaran University (

Keikutsertaan mahasiswa Prodi Statistika UNY di Seminar Nasional Statistika IX Departemen Statistika FMIPA Universitas Padjadjaran

Minggu, 22 November 2020, mahasiswa Program Studi Statistika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, mempresentasikan artikel penelitian mereka di Seminar Nasional Statistika IX dengan tema “Peran Sains Data salam Pemulihan Ekonomi Terdampak Covid-19 di Indonesia”, yang diselenggarakan oleh Departemen Statistika FMIPA Universitas Padjadjaran (

Participation of UNY Statistics Study Program students in the VARIANSI III National Seminar, Makassar State University Statistics Study Program

Saturday, 10 October 2020 students from the Statistics Study Program FMIPA Yogyakarta State University presented the results of their research articles at the 3rd VARIANSI National Seminar organized by the Statistics Study Program, Makassar State University.
