• Post date: 16/04/2020 - 10:00

    April 15, 2020, FMIPA UNY Student Affairs 2020 has selected 113 proposals submitted by FMIPA UNY students, and the results obtained were that 70 titles were announced passed and will be funded in the 2020 fiscal year. This is encouraging news for the 2018 Statistics study program students for the first time taking part in this selection and successfully brought five proposals for funding. The following are the titles of the proposals and teams from the 2018 Statistics study program that passed with supervisor Mrs. Kismiantini, Ph.D.:
    1) Title: Prediction...

  • Post date: 17/03/2020 - 17:00

    Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Provinsi DIY bekerjasama dengan Program Studi Statistika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta menyelenggarakan rapat koordinasi Sensus Penduduk (SP) 2020 pada hari Selasa, 17 Maret 2020 di FMIPA UNY. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 100 mahasiswa prodi statistika dan prodi matematika konsentrasi statistika dan 20 dosen prodi statistika dan matematika FMIPA UNY sebagai sahabat sensus , serta sekitar 30 staf BPS DIY. Pada kegiatan ini disampaikan paparan sosialisasi SP 2020 oleh Bapak Dr. Heru Margono, M.Sc. (Kepala BPS DIY), paparan dukungan...

  • Post date: 17/03/2020 - 10:00

    DIY Province's Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in collaboration with the Yogyakarta State University FMIPA Statistics Study Program held a 2020 Population Census (SP) coordination meeting on Tuesday, March 17 2020 at FMIPA UNY. This activity was attended by 100 students from the statistics study program and mathematics study program concentrating on statistics and 20 lecturers from the statistics and mathematics study program FMIPA UNY as census friends, as well as around 30 BPS DIY staff. In this activity, a presentation on SP 2020 socialization was delivered...

  • Post date: 16/05/2019 - 14:06

    The "alumni Serving" activity is a provision from alumni to students to be ready to face the world of work. The event took place on Friday 29 September 2017, presenting alumni Agung Wicaksono (Mathematics 2008) working at the insurance company Jiwasraya Jakarta and Rumtini (Mathematics 2003) working as an entrepreneur in the field of data analysis.

    As stated by Agung, graduates of the Mathematics study program (prodi) have great potential to work in insurance companies because they are equipped with the necessary knowledge, for example in actuarial or financial mathematics courses....

  • Post date: 16/05/2019 - 12:59

    Prof. Allan L. White dari University of Western, Australia memberikan kuliah umum bagi mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika FMIPA UNY, Rabu kemarin (20/11/2013), di ruang seminar fakultas. Dalam paparannya, Allan White mengatakan bahwa matematika penting untuk pengembangan otak. Berfikir, belajar, dan bertindak dapat mengubah gen manusia sehingga dapat membentuk anatomi otak dan perilaku manusia.

    “Guru bisa frustasi  ketika siswa lupa rumus matematika, dll.  Itu  karena siswa hanya menghafal saja, mereka tidak memiliki...

  • Post date: 16/05/2019 - 12:59

    Prof. Allan L. White from the University of Western, Australia gave a lecture for students of the Mathematics Education Department, FMIPA UNY, last Wednesday (20/11/2013), in the faculty seminar room. In his presentation, Allan White said that mathematics is important for brain development. Thinking, learning, and acting can change human genes so that they can shape brain anatomy and human behavior.

    “Teachers can get frustrated when students forget math formulas, etc. That's because students only memorize, they have no meaning in the learning process. "So, it is a challenge for us...

  • Post date: 16/05/2019 - 12:59

    Who says UNY students only excel in education-based fields? UNY always provides facilities for its students to develop talents and interests in all kinds of fields. This can be proven by various student activity units. One of the administrators of Field II (Research) at UNY Research UKM, Rifaldy Fajar (from the 2014 Mathematics Study Program), has just returned from the Nanyang Technological University - Model of United Nation (NTU-MUN) event in Singapore (19-21/2). The model of the United Nations (MUN) itself is a simulation forum for UN activities held by various institutions in various...

  • Post date: 16/05/2019 - 12:59

    On November 14, 2015, the Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University held a National Seminar on Mathematics and Mathematics Education. The seminar is an annual routine agenda for the UNY Mathematics Education Department. The theme of the 2015 national seminar is "Developing 21st Century Skills Through Mathematics Research and Mathematics Education". The main speaker at the seminar was a statistics expert from Gadjah Mada University, namely Prof. Dr. Rer. Nat Dedi Rosadi, and a Mathematics Education expert from UNY, Dr. Sugiman, M.Sc. In...

  • Post date: 16/05/2019 - 12:59

    A total of 8 students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNY participated in the credit transfer program in Thailand. Those studying at Prince of Songkla University are 2 students from the Mathematics Education study program. Meanwhile, 6 other students are at Yala Rajabhat University. There are 3 people from the Biology study program, 2 people from the Biology Education study program, and 1 person from the Physics Education study program.

    At the recent release of credit transfer students, the Dean of FMIPA, Dr. Hartono explained that the credit transfer...
