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Socialization of Study Specialization for UNY Statistics Students 2020

In the middle of 2020, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia launched the Merdeka Learning program - Merdeka Campus. Referring to the MBKM 2020 curriculum, the courses that students must take in order to obtain a Bachelor of Statistics (S.Stat.) degree are 147-152 credits, in which there are several credits from elective courses. Elective courses in the Statistics Study Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) are structured based on 4 (four) study specializations, namely Education and Social Science Interests, Biostatistics Interests, Actuarial Science Interests, and Economics and Business Interests. To find out what material will be studied in each of the elective courses offered, the UNY Statistics Study Program held a study specialization socialization. This socialization activity presented 5 (five) main speakers namely Mrs. Prof. Dr. Dhoriva Urwatul Wutsqa (Professor of Mathematics at UNY), Mrs. Kismiantini, Ph.D. (Lecturer/Coordinator of Statistics Study Program), Mrs. Rosita Kusumawati, M.Sc. (Lecturer/Head of Statistics Laboratory), Mr. Ezra Putranda Setiawan, M.Sc. (Lecturer of Statistics Study Program at UNY), and Mr. Bayutama Isnaini, M.Sc. (Lecturer of Statistics Study Program, UNY). The socialization of this study specialization was carried out on Tuesday, 5 July 2022 through a virtual meeting at 09.00 - 11.00 WIB. The targets of this socialization activity were students of the Statistics Study Program, FMIPA UNY, Class of 2020.
Before entering into the explanation of the material, Mrs. Kismiantini, Ph.D as the Statistics Study Program Coordinator gave a speech as well as giving a global explanation of the elective courses. Students of the UNY Statistics Study Program Class of 2020 in semester 5 can take two elective courses provided that the previous semester's GPA score is more than 3.00. She also added that students take at least four elective courses which consist of three elective courses in the same interest and one elective course from another interest. The elective courses offered in semester 5 are Statistical Mediation Analysis, Applied Biostatistics, Financial Mathematics, and Econometrics. Then for the even semester, elective courses of interest in Education and Social Sciences that will be offered are Structural Equation Modeling, Longitudinal Data Analysis. His interest in Biostatistics is Survival Analysis, Spatial Statistics, and Statistical Methods for Epidemiology. Furthermore, elective courses of interest in Actuarial Science that will be opened are Life Insurance, Risk Modeling, and Pension Funds, while in the interest of Economics and Business, courses in Financial Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Business Analytics will be opened. These elective courses can be held if they meet the minimum quota set by FMIPA UNY.
In this activity, the presentations delivered by the presenters were carried out in parallel. On the first occasion, Prof. Dr. Dhoriva Urwatul Wutsqa gave material about the Survival Analysis course. In this Survival Analysis we will learn about the basic concepts of survival analysis, non-parametric methods for estimating survival functions, non-parametric methods for comparing survival distributions, parametric survival distributions, estimation for parametric survival distributions without covariates, graphical methods for determining survival distributions, testing goodness of fit and distributional selection, a parametric method for comparing two survival distributions. Prof. Dhoriva also added that this survival analysis analyzes survival data. For example in the health sector to see how long the patient survives or until the patient recovers to see the effect of the drug given.
The second speaker at this socialization was Mrs. Rosita Kusumawati, M.Sc. She delivered material on three elective courses in Actuarial Science (Life Insurance, Financial Mathematics, Pension Funds) and one elective course in Economics and Business (Financial Statistics). In the Financial Statistics course, we will discuss statistical methods used in financial matters such as studying stocks, bonds, options and so on. The topics discussed are the form of distribution of stock returns, analyzing the risk of stock returns, forecasting stock returns, measuring value at risk, and stock portfolios (a form of investment in the form of a combination of several stocks). Next, Mrs. Rosita explained about the Life Insurance course. Life insurance is a type of insurance that pays attention to the events of a person's life and death, where there is compensation received by the customer's heirs when the death occurs. Topics discussed in life insurance courses are discrete and continuous life insurance models, discrete and continuous life annuities, discrete and continuous premiums and premium reserves, as well as several advanced topics (multiple life models, multiple decrement models, claims models, and collective risk models). Then, the next elective course is Financial Mathematics. Topics discussed in the Mathematics of Finance course are interest theory, accumulation functions, sum functions, single and compound interest rates, nominal and effective interest rates, fixed annuities at the beginning, end, and general form, discounted cash flow, amortization, sinking funds, bonds, and yield rate. Next, Mrs. Rosita explained what material was studied in the Pension Fund course. Pension Funds can be seen as an extended form of life insurance. Customers or pension fund participants will receive pension benefits for several conditions. For example, if modeled, a worker experiences permanent disability or decides to retire early or retire according to his schedule, then the participant will receive a certain amount of funds. Topics discussed in Pension Funds are determining the benefits, costs and obligations of pension funds, several actuarial cost methods and their effects on cost patterns, selection of actuarial assumptions, and principles of asset and liability management.
The next speaker is Mr. Bayutama Isnaini, M.Sc. He delivered material on two elective courses in Economics and Business, namely the Econometrics and Stochastic Process courses. Mr. Bayu explained that Econometrics consists of several concentrations of knowledge, namely economic theory, mathematics, and statistics. The aim of this Econometrics is to provide empirical evidence against economic theory. This course studies multiple linear regression analysis in its application to econometric topics, panel data regression models, dynamic econometric models, simultaneous equation models, cointegration, Error Correction Model (ECM), and Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models. Then, Mr. Bayu delivered material for the Stochastic Process course. A stochastic process is a sequence of events that fulfilled the laws of probability. Stochastic processes are widely used to model the evolution of a system that contains an uncertainty. Materials that will be studied in Stochastic Processes are stochastic models and related probability theory, Markov chains (discrete and continuous time), Poisson processes, Compound Poisson Processes, Brownian motion, Birth and death processes, and their applications.
Further explanation of the material was delivered by Mr. Ezra Putranda Setiawan, M.Sc. He gave an explanation of the material for three elective courses on the interest in Biostatistics (Applied Biostatistics, Spatial Statistics, and Meta Analysis), one elective course on the interest in Actuarial Science (Risk Modelling), and one elective course on the interest in Economics and Business (Business Analytics) ). The Applied Biostatistics course examines various statistical procedures in various types of health-biology research including epidemiological/public health surveys, clinical research, cohort research, case-control research, cross-sectional research, diagnostic research, and ecological research. In addition, in Applied Biostatistics bioinformatics data will also be introduced. Next, Mr. Ezra gave an explanation about Spatial Statistics. The Spatial Statistics course studies the procedures for collecting, processing and analyzing spatial data while still paying attention to spatial dimensions. Then, in the Meta Analysis course, he explained that medical research is a research area that tends to be expensive, because it is quite difficult to obtain the desired research subject or data, so this meta analysis will combine several studies quantitatively, such as looking at sample size, the factors included in each study. Furthermore, the Risk Modelling course will discuss an introduction to risk, the operations of financial institutions and the risks they face, credit risk, investment risk (stocks, bonds and derivatives), stock interest risk, and loss risk models. The next material is the Analytical Business course. Business analytics is a collection of disciplines and technologies for solving business problems using data analysis, statistical models, and other quantitative methods. According to Mr. Ezra, business analytics is not the same as analyzing a business. In business analytics, you will learn how to use various statistical methods and machine learning to collect, process, and analyze data to solve business problems so that they can assist management in making decisions.
The last speaker in this socialization was Mrs. Kismiantini, Ph.D. He gave an explanation of four elective courses in the Education and Social Sciences specialization, namely Statistical Mediation Analysis, Structural Equation Modelling, Multilevel Modelling, and Longitudinal Data Analysis. The Statistical Mediation Analysis course will study the basic concepts of mediation models, the application of mediation models, single and multiple mediator models, path analysis mediation models, longitudinal mediation models, multilevel mediation models, mediation and moderation. Furthermore, Mrs. Kismiantini explained the material in the Structural Equation Modelling course. This course will study the basic concepts of structural equation modelling, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equations with latent variables, latent growth models for longitudinal data analysis, multi-group modelling, mixed modelling, and sample size for structural equation modelling. Then, in the Multilevel Modelling course, you will learn about linear models, introduction to multilevel data structures, fitting two-level models, three-level models and more, longitudinal data analysis with multilevel models, multilevel generalized linear models, multilevel Bayesian modelling. Next, Mrs. Kismiantini explained about the Longitudinal Data Analysis course. This course will study introductory longitudinal studies, approaches to analysis of variance on longitudinal data, approaches to multivariate analysis of variance on longitudinal data, mixed effect regression models for continuous responses, polynomial regression models of mixed effects, covariance pattern models, mixed regression models with autocorrected errors, generalized estimating equation (GEE) model, mixed effect regression model for binary and ordinal responses, random effect regression model for nominal and total data. He also explained that in a cross-sectional study, there is a group of people or several groups whose data is collected simultaneously, whereas in a longitudinal study, the same group is observed repeatedly over a certain period of time, so that longitudinal data is data that is quite expensive to obtain. Indonesia has longitudinal data, namely the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS). This data is data that is observed continuously from IFLS 1 to IFLS 5 with the majority of the respondents being the same.
This study specialization socialization was attended by 40 students. At the end of the event, the Coordinator of the Study Program conducted a poll to identify early on what elective courses students were interested in. There were 30 students who participated in this poll. Based on the results of this collection, 57% chose an interest in Economics and Business, then 30% chose an interest in Education and Social Sciences, 10% chose an interest in Actuarial Science, and 3% chose an interest in Biostatistics. But this is to identify at the beginning, students can still change their interests if they want to change their interests during the KRS entry period. There are several elective courses that will be opened for the Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka program, so that there are several students from outside the UNY Statistics Study Program who will join these elective courses.
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Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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