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Competitive, UNY Statistics Students Explore Student Creativity and Success in Reaching the Top of the 36th National Student Science Week (PIMNAS)

The development of statistical science is an important component in advancing various scientific fields and decision making. The Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) through the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) continues to support and encourage innovation among students in the form of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) which is one of the programs created by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs , Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).
National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) is the peak activity of the national meeting and creativity competition forum selected through the Student Creativity Program (PKM) funding selection route. Final Report to the 36th National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) held by Padjadjaran State University, Sumedang, West Java. As the host, Padjadjaran State University prepared a platform for students to present innovative ideas. With a spirit of competition and high creativity, students are ready to contribute to the nation's progress through scientific reasoning on their way to the 36th National Student Science Week (PIMNAS).
Thousands of Indonesian students participated in the 36th National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) at Padjadjaran State University, Sumedang, West Java. Initially, they were involved in the Student Creativity Program (PKM), developing science and technology from lectures. Through selection of funding for the Student Creativity Program (PKM) and assessment of implementation progress (PKP2PKM) to the preparation of the Final Report, the students succeeded in reaching the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS).
Participants who participate in the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) are expected to follow the agenda that has been set. The 36th PIMNAS will be held on November 26 - December 1 2023. The first day begins with a participant registration agenda to ensure their presence and readiness to take part in the series of events. Furthermore, a poster display was installed as part of the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) activities to convey information related to scientific work which is expected to provide ideas for visitors to implement in the community. as well as PPT presentation installation activities to ensure smooth participant presentations during the competition. The second day began with the Opening Ceremony, an important moment to inaugurate the event and provide encouragement to all participants. On the third and fourth days, the main focus was on the presentation session, where each participant had the opportunity to present their work. On the last day of all series of events, a public lecture was held which provided additional insight to participants, followed by a closing ceremony and announcement of winners to end the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS).
A strict selection process has produced the best research from various universities throughout Indonesia. Leading universities compete for places in the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS), the pinnacle of national meetings and creativity competition forums. Statistics students, such as Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Bani (Statistics 2021) and Muhammad Akhdaan Al Ghozi (Statistics 2021), have the opportunity in this moment. They worked on a project entitled "Implementation of the Waste Ecobrick Program in Kledokan Village as an Effort to Increase Environmental Awareness and Public Health" under the guidance of Mr. Ngadiyono, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Before the departure of the Yogyakarta State University National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) Contingent, they carried out a series of assistance through Training Centers I, II and III. Each stage involves presentation practice, Power Point revisions, articles, and poster revisions together with a team of experts and alumni of the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS).
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Kontak Kami
Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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