• Post date: 01/08/2024 - 10:00

    Vision and mission are guidelines for all stakeholders of the Statistics Study Program in carrying out tridharma activities. Therefore, all stakeholders must have a complete understanding of the vision and mission of the study program.

    To what extent do the Academic Community understand the Vision and Mission of the Study Program? In 2024, the Statistics Study Program will conduct a survey for this purpose. The survey was attended by 105 respondents who are academics of the Statistics Study Program. The survey results are shown in the image above.

    Based on the survey, it can...

  • Post date: 03/06/2024 - 11:00

    Statistics Study Program student class of 2022, Nurul Fauziyyah, successfully passed the NUDC regional selection and competed at the National Level. The National University Debating Championship (NUDC) is an English language debate activity between universities on a national scale organized by the Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI), Ministry of Education and Culture. By using the British Parliamentary (BP) format, NUDC requires students not only to be able to express ideas in English, but also to be able to master global knowledge, analyze, make...

  • Post date: 25/05/2024 - 12:00

    The Teaching Practitioner Program for the Risk Modeling course in the Statistics Study Program FMIPA UNY was held again on Saturday, May 25, 2024. Previously, session 1 of the practitioner lecture was held in February with the topic Operationalization of Financial Institutions. In Session 2 this time, the same practitioner delivered the lecture, Mr. Dani Hamdan, S.Si, M.M, CPIA, a senior manager from Bank BJB Syariah. Lecture 2 was attended by all statistics and accounting students who took the Risk Modeling course in the Statistics Study Program FMIPA UNY. The...

  • Post date: 22/05/2024 - 16:11

    The guest lecture program on the Regression Analysis Course was held together with the Statistics Study Program of Universitas Negeri Makassar. The lecturer in the Regression Analysis course is Andika Putri Ratnasari, S.Stat., M.Si. This guest lecture program was held online on April 29 2024 by Dr. Ruliana, S.Pd., M.Sc. and Andi Arisyi Zulwaqar, S.Stat., M.Sc. This activity was not only attended by students from the UNY Statistics Study Program but also students from the UNM Statistics Study Program. The lecture topics discussed in this guest lecture are Estimation of Parametric Regression...

  • Post date: 22/05/2024 - 16:07

    The final session in the Visiting Professor program series with Prof. Wu on Thursday, May 16 2024 opened with the introduction of the National Dong Hwa University campus. NDHU is a national research university located in Hualien, Taiwan. Founded in 1994, NDHU is ranked in the top 10% of universities in Taiwan by THE, QS, U.S. News, which offers the sixth broadest range of disciplines in Taiwan, includes science, engineering, computer science, environmental studies, oceanography, law, arts, design, humanities, anthropology, social sciences, educational sciences,...

  • Post date: 22/05/2024 - 16:05

    Session 3 of Visiting Professor on Wednesday 15 May 2024 focused on providing theoretical material about density estimation on histograms and general kernel density estimation. Prof. Wu explained that density estimation can be done using parametric estimation and non-parametric estimation. Parametric estimation methods can use the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) while non-parametric estimation methods can use histogram estimation. Apart from that, for nonparametric methods, we can also use general kernel density estimation. Some types include Epanechnikov...
