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Statistics Study Program students received the first best presenter award in the Student Creativity Program (PKM) 70 Title FMIPA UNY 2020 research
Congratulations to the 2 teams from the UNY statistics study program for being awarded the first best presenters in the 2020 Title 70 Student Creativity Program (PKM) research organized by FMIPA UNY. These results were announced on Tuesday 17 October 2020. The first team chaired by Nusyrotus Sa'adah and team members Andriati Langiran and Hadi Faisal Afif became the first best presenter from the reviewer group, Mr. Khafidz Nur Aziz, M.Sc. The team raised a research topic related to "Analysis of Factors Affecting the Depth Index and Severity Index of Poverty in Indonesia using a Linear Regression Approach". The results of this research show that the factors that significantly influence the depth and severity of poverty index are school enrollment rates and the percentage of households that use laptops.
The next team, Adi Setiawan's team and two colleagues, namely Fabian Vito Pradipta and Binti Luthfiaturrohmah Aj with the research title "Analysis of the Relative Risk of Hypertension sufferers in the City of Yogyakarta Using Poisson Regression" became the first best presenter from the reviewer group, Mrs. Syarifah Inayati, M.Sc. The results of the research from the team are: 1. The relative risk level is higher in 4 sub-districts, namely Wirobrajan sub-district, Ngampilan sub-district, Tegalrejo sub-district, and Keraton sub-district than in other sub-districts. 2. The higher the population density, the higher the cases of hypertension in the area. 3. It is further known that women are more at risk of developing hypertension than men.
This research was carried out for 4 months from June to the end of September 2020. Research during the pandemic was a challenge faced by each team. Carrying out this research must pay attention to health protocols and minimize face-to-face discussions. During the research, the two teams were guided by Mrs. Kismiantini, Ph.D. starting from preparing proposals to producing reports and articles. By participating in this PKM 70 Title research, it is hoped that Statistics study program students can increase their creativity, improve their ability to write good articles, and increase their enthusiasm for work.
Sistem Informasi
Kontak Kami
Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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