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Workshop: Data mining using WEKA and R

FMIPA UNY collaborates with several universities in Yogyakarta to invite a lecturer and IT expert from India, Dr. Kartick Chandra Modal to a workshop and seminar in 2017. Mathematics Study Program FMIPA UNY together with the Mathematics Education Department Student Association FMIPA UNY (HIMATIKA) held a workshop with the title Data Mining Using R and WEKA program which was scheduled as one of the work programs for KBK statistics and computer activities as well as the first event for HIMATIKA to hold a workshop by inviting speakers from abroad, this activity is aimed at students majoring in Mathematics Education to increase students' insight into data processing using the R and WEKA program.
This event took place in two places and was the second workshop held at the Mathematics Education Department FMIPA UNY Computer Laboratory using a VGA splitter so that live broadcasts could be connected to both places. Participants from the 2nd-floor lab were also able to communicate with guest lecturers in the 3rd-floor lab. The workshop which was attended by the speaker from India, Dr. Kartick Candra Mondal, was held for two days from Tuesday to Wednesday, 10-11 October 2017 at 08.00-14.30 at the Mathematics Computer Laboratory 1 and 2. Dr. Kartick Candra Mondal is an assistant professor and postgraduate coordinator of the Information Technology Department at Jadavpur University, India.
This workshop began with an opening which was held at 08.00 with a series of opening remarks by the MC, remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Dr. Hartono, M.Si. Then continued with material about the R and WEKA program by Dr. Kartick Candra Mondal. After completing the presentation of the material, it was followed by a lunch break from 11.10-12.50. At 13.00 the participants re-entered the room to continue the R program practice session with Dr. Kartick until 14.15 which ended with closing.
The second day began with an opening by the MC which was then immediately continued with a WEKA program practice session with Dr. Kartick. After that, the participants entered the Forum Group Discussion event until around 10.45, the activities were interrupted due to a power outage and the generator was being repaired. Because of this, the committee decided to continue the event with a lunch break until the electricity was back on. At 13.00 the electricity was back on and the event could be held again with the next session, the Evaluation session, until 14.00. The final event was the closing and presentation of mementos by the Head of the Mathematics Study Program, Dr. Agus Maman Abadi, to the Workshop speaker, Dr. Kartick Chandra Mondal.
Briefly, in this workshop, Dr. Kartick invited all students and several lecturers to carry out data processing, especially WEKA and R programs. The participants were very enthusiastic because they were able to carry out computations using Program R in a different atmosphere, with more applicable problems, and different levels of difficulty from statistics lectures. This shows that during the workshop, the students were very proactive, even in the last session several groups were able to report their assignments and present the results of their analysis as in some of the attached photos.
Sistem Informasi
Kontak Kami
Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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