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Course Systems and Evaluation
A. Credit System
The credit system is the administration of education by stating the study load of students, the workload of teaching staff, and the burden of administering educational institutions in the form of credit. By using this system, each student can design a way to fulfill his entire study load by considering his own abilities, talents, and interests. The credit system also facilitates the transfer of credit between departments or between faculties within one university, even between universities.
Semester is a unit of time for the effective learning process for 16 (sixteen) weeks excluding the end of semester exam. According to the Regulation of the Chancellor of the State University of Yogyakarta, during one academic year three semesters are held, namely:
- Odd semester: September to January of the following year.
- Even semester: February to June of the current year.
- Short/intermediate semesters: July to August of the current year.
The entire learning that must be undertaken by each student to complete the undergraduate level is carried out in various forms of educational activities, namely lectures, practicums, seminars, field work practices (PKL), real work lectures (KKN), to writing a final project. The implementation of education at UNY is based on the Semester Credit System (SKS), so that each educational activity is measured by a standardized unit of study load, namely semester credit units (sks). The allocation of time required to undergo educational activities is one credit a week depending on the type of course, which is as follows.
- Theory (Lecture), tutorial: 50 minutes of face-to-face learning, 60 minutes of structured learning assignments, 60 minutes of self-study
- Seminar: 100 minutes face-to-face, 70 minutes independent activities
B. Study Load
The student's study load each semester is determined by considering the individual abilities of students and the average study time in a day. If a student is considered to work normally for 9 hours per day, then in one week there is approximately 54 hours or 3,240 minutes of study time. By looking at the time allocation of 1 credit which is equivalent to 170 minutes, the student's learning load under normal conditions is 20 credits per semester. The individual ability of each student is measured through the achievement of the Grade Point Average (GPA) in the previous semester.
C. Lecturers
At the first meeting for each course, generally the lecturer will explain course descriptions, syllabus, handbooks/references, learning strategies, and assessment systems. Furthermore, the lecturers and students will sign a lecture contract, which contains the frequency of assignments, quizzes, insertion exams, and the minimum attendance and assessment weights agreed between the lecturers and students. Lectures can be held face-to-face or blended, which is a combination of face-to-face and online learning.
D. Assessment
Penilaian kemampuan mahasiswa dalam suatu mata kuliah dilakukan melalui penilaian per capaian mata kuliah (CPMK) maupun ujian akhir semester. Penilaian CPMK dapat berasal dari penugasan baik individu maupun kelompok, kuis, dan proyek, seperti tercantum pada module handbook masing-masing mata kuliah. Adapun Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) merupakan ujian yang pelaksanaannya terjadwal sesuai dengan kalender akademik. Jadwal dan lokasi pelaksanaan UAS diumumkan di web maupun papan pengumuman FMIPA UNY. Setiap mahasiswa maksimal hanya menempuh dua mata ujian dalam satu hari.
Nilai akhir (NA) yang diperoleh mahasiswa untuk suatu mata kuliah (MK) merupakan akumulasi dari nilai yang diperoleh per subcapaian pembelajaran dan ujian akhir semester (UAS), dengan bobot yang telah ditentukan dalam module handbook. Nilai akhir dinyatakan dalam huruf dan angka berdasarkan range nilai yang diperoleh.
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Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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