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Statistics Study Program student class of 2022, Nurul Fauziyyah, successfully passed the NUDC regional selection and competed at the National Level. The National University Debating Championship (NUDC) is an English language debate activity between universities on a national scale organized by the Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI), Ministry of Education and Culture. By using the British Parliamentary (BP) format, NUDC requires students not only to be able to express ideas in English, but also to be able to master global knowledge, analyze, make judgments and convince the public. This activity has been going on since 2008 and every year produces an Indonesian delegation to the World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC). To advance to the national stage, there are several selection processes that must be undertaken, including internal selection within universities and regional selection. The best team from each LLDIKTI, based on the accumulated assessments during 8 preliminary rounds in the regional selection, will be selected to represent their LLDIKTI at the National Level. The UNY NUDC team was one of the universities that successfully passed the region 2 selection stage with a quota of 8 universities for LLDIKTI V.
The 2024 National Level NUDC was hosted at the Open University, South Tangerang which was held on May 26-June 2 2024. The National Level NUDC participants numbered 112 teams representing 16 LLDIKTI and 3 regions. There are three members of each competing team, including two debaters (Nurul Fauziyyah Statistics Study Program 2022 and Luluk Fitriyani Mathematics Education Study Program 2021) and one N1 Adjudicator (Angely Sofia Komara English Literature Study Program 2023). N1 Adjudicator is a participant who serves as an institutional judge, attached to the team to be included in accreditation and will compete with other judges. In this national selection, all participants (debaters and N1 Adjudicators) took part in 7 preliminary rounds. There are two divisions for the elimination round, namely Open-Draw and Novice (beginner). The UNY NUDC team managed to qualify for the Top 48 teams in the Open category with Novice status. This shows that even with Novice status, the UNY team is able to compete with teams with Open status (teams with Open status are teams that already have a lot of experience) and continue the competition to the Partial Double Octo round. Partial Double Octo (PDO) is rounds 8 and 9 which bring together teams ranked 1 to 48 out of 112 teams based on the results of the previous 7 preliminary rounds. The results from rounds 8 and 9 will be accumulated with the results of the preliminary round to determine the teams that will compete in the elimination round.
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Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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