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Teaching Practitioner Lecture Activities in the Statistics Study Program 2023

The Teaching Practitioner Program in the 2023 FMIPA UNY Statistics Study Program was held in the Opportunity Theory course taught by Mrs. Dr. Retno Subekti, M.Sc and Mrs. Lusi Harini, M.Sc. On September 30 2023, the teaching practitioner program held in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture was implemented. This activity will be planned for four meetings. The Statistics Study Program collaborates with Lead data analysis from one of the largest e-commerce in Indonesia, namely, Mr. Mochammad Kautzar Ichramsyah, S.Si from Jakarta. He is a graduate of the UGM Statistics study program class of 2017.
This lecture begins by sharing work experiences related to data analysis. This practitioner lecture was attended by statistics students who took the probability theory course, especially the class of 2022. At the first meeting, practitioners explained several theories related to expectations, variance and moment generating function. Then, the uses and benefits of this material were explained in the final session of the meeting. It is hoped that his experience and advice can motivate students about the importance of statistics graduates in the world of work in the future. Practitioners filled meetings 2 and 3 with material and practice in interpreting graphic output produced by Python programs. In the final session (4th meeting), practitioners provided guidance using the Python program and its interpretation relating to joint probability distributions, expectations, variance, covariance and correlation using Python.
Several examples of material that he has discussed and his computations have been published on media, namely This is shown as an introduction for students that lecture topics in statistics are the basis for a data analyst. He showed that as a data analyst practitioner where he worked he was still able to develop work in writing and publish it. From the implementation of this teaching practitioner activity, students are expected to be able to understand and apply material in opportunity theory to various problems in various fields. Apart from that, it is hoped that this activity can increase student motivation to produce relevant and quality scientific writing.
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Kontak Kami
Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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