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Teaching Practitioner Activities in Financial Statistics Courses
The Teaching Practitioner Program in the 2024 FMIPA UNY Statistics Study Program was held in the Financial Statistics course taught by Mrs. Dr. Retno Subekti, M.Sc. and Mrs. Indira Ihnu Brilliant, M.Stat. On February 29, 2023, the first meeting with practitioners was held. This practitioner program is planned to be held twice. The Statistics Study Program presents the Branch Manager from FAC Securities, namely, Mr. Hery Gunawan Muhamad, S.IP., M.E., CES. He is an activist on the Indonesian stock exchange, especially sharia stocks.
This lecture was held on the 2nd floor of the Stock Exchange Building, Yogyakarta Indonesia Stock Exchange Representative Office, Jl. P Mangkubumi no. 84, Karangwaru. Tegalrejo. The event was opened by Mr. Irfan Noor Riza as Head of the Yogyakarta Indonesia Stock Exchange Representative Office. He said several things to motivate the students who took part in this activity. He also conveyed the program that would be held by KP BEI Yogyakarta, namely the Internship Program to become an MSME Incubator. Next, the lecture material for the inaugural meeting was a basic discussion regarding portfolio investment by Mr. Hery Gunawan Muhammad, S.IP., M.E., CES.
At the meeting, Mr. Hery as the teaching practitioner provided insight into capital savings which can be done in various ways, such as in banks and stock investments which have their own pluses and minuses. Like banks whose capital deposits are protected by LPS of up to 2 billion, investing in banks has a smaller risk than investing in shares which has a greater risk. He also explained the concept of making a profit in shares, namely Capital Gains and Dividends. He also didn't forget to give examples of experiences he had gone through or related to profits from Capital Gains and Dividends. Apart from that, he also explained fundamental analysis in a company.
From the implementation of this teaching practitioner activity, students are expected to be able to understand the basic concepts of investment which are closely related to the Financial Statistics course. Apart from that, this activity is expected to increase student motivation to try investing and gain experience in financial matters.
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Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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