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The Statistics Study Program FMIPA UNY held a practitioner's lecture on December 16th, 2021. This practitioner's lecture presented speakers from the Central Statistics Agency for the Province of D.I Yogyakarta, Mr. Handani Murda, S.Si, M.SE. The practitioner's lecture with the topic "Introduction to Survey Sampling Techniques in the Field of Social Statistics" was attended by 151 Statistics students at UNY from various levels. Mr Handani Murda's presentation of the material began by giving an overview of data collection consisting of censuses, administrative records, and surveys. In this practitioner's lecture, the resource persons focused on discussions related to censuses and surveys. According to Mr. Handani Murda, Badan Pusat Statistik/BPS (the Central Bureau of Statistics) has several data products, including social statistics, agricultural statistics, and economic statistics. The focus of the discussion this time is related to social statistics. In his presentation, he explained that the social statistics survey frame consists of a master frame, a master sampling frame, a primary sampling unit, and a secondary sampling unit. He also conveyed the need for caution in determining the sample size. Determining sample size needs to pay attention to several things, including knowing key indicators. Different key indicators (survey results indicators) require different sample sizes. Apart from that, Handani Murda also gave several examples of surveys in the field of social statistics, including the national socio-economic survey (Susenas), the national labor force survey (Sakernas), the anti-corruption behavior survey (SPAK), and so on. After the presentation of the material by the speakers, a question and answer session was held. One of the questions in the session was "How will BPS respond to pandemic conditions that make it impossible to carry out a face-to-face census or survey with respondents, and will BPS continue to develop an online census or survey system?". According to Handani, BPS already has mitigation in carrying out censuses or surveys in conditions where it is not possible to meet face-to-face with respondents, where if the level of participation of respondents to a census or survey using an online system does not produce results, then a face-to-face approach will be carried out, as well as the need outreach to the community regarding the importance of participating in online surveys and censuses. After attending the practical lectures from the engineering and sample survey courses, students are expected to get an overview of how the data collection process is carried out by BPS, especially regarding surveys in the social sector.
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Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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