Practitioner Lecture for Econometrics Course

On October 7th and 14th, 2021, the Statistics Study Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held guest lectures (practitioners) for the Econometrics course. The Econometrics guest lecture this time was given by Mrs. Reninta Dewi Nugraheni, M.Sc, who is the First Researcher, Center for Economic Research, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (now the National Research and Innovation Agency, BRIN). The guest lecture for the Econometrics course with the topic "Econometrics Research" was not only attended by students taking the Econometrics course, but also attended by students of the Statistics Study Program from various generations. At the first meeting, Mrs. Reninta Dewi Nugraheni, M.Sc gave an introduction on how to design research, explained several examples of research/research in the economic field, and current economic issues that could become interesting topics for research. At the second meeting, Mrs. Reninta Dewi Nugraheni, M.Sc together with the Econometrics guest lecture participants reviewed several examples of econometric research/research, economic indicators, and several statistical methods used in econometric research/research. At the second meeting, it was seen that the students were very enthusiastic in participating in the discussion, especially when studying several econometric studies/research in groups. From the holding of these two guest lecture meetings, students are expected to be able to understand and apply statistical methods to various problems in the economic field so as to produce quality scientific work.

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