Percentage of Learning Outcomes of Graduates of the Statistics Study Program UNY for the 2019/2020 Academic Year

At the end of the 2019/2020 academic year, the UNY Statistics Study Program has been running for two years (semester 1 to semester 4) with two running curricula, namely the 2018 and 2019 curriculum. The UNY Undergraduate Statistics Study Program has 9 graduate learning outcomes (CPL). It can be seen on the following page

The first time the UNY Statistics Study Program carried out CPL measurements was in the 2019/2020 academic year. The data that was collected came from courses taught by the core lecturers of the Statistics Study Program, which included 9 courses in the Class of 2018 and 8 courses in the Class of 2019.  Based on data from the Class of 2018 (semester 3 and semester 4) it was found that the CPL percentage of the Study Program in the very good category (> 85% -100%) at CPL 1 and CPL 2; good (>70% - 85%) at CPL 4, CPL 5, CPL 7, and CPL 8; quite good (>55% - 70%) at CPL 6. Meanwhile, CPL 1 cannot be measured because this CPL only appears in the MKU6216 Social and Human Literacy course, and CPL 9 only appears in courses in semester 5. From data from the class of 2019 (semester 1 and semester 2), it was found that the percentage of study program CPLs was in the very good category (> 85% -100%) in CPL 1 and CPL 3, good (> 70% - 85%) in CPL 4, CPL 5, CPL 6, and CPL 8. Meanwhile, CPL 2 cannot be measured because this CPL only appears in the MKU Religious Education and MKU6208 Pancasila courses, likewise, CPL 9 only appears in courses in semester 5.

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