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The Glory of the UNY Statistics Study Program Student Team in the 2023 National Data Science Tournament
The 2023 National Data Science Tournament (TSDN) is being held again to invite the younger generation to deepen their knowledge of data science and be ready to become agents of change for a better future for Indonesia. This competition is the result of collaboration between Data Academy, LSP DATA, National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), Satu Jakarta, Jakarta Smartcity, Jabar Digital Service, Open Data Jabar and a number of ministries. The big theme uploaded for the 2023 tournament is "Improving Security Using AI Data Science Knowledge". For this reason, it is hoped that the output will be able to produce innovation and new talents for data security guards in Indonesia.
UNY statistics study program students consisting of Asma' Khoirunnisa', Firdaus Amruzain S.W., Hajran Azbytama W., and Biliarto Sastro C, are part of the STG2021 team. The STG2021 team presents an innovative mobile app called "Safetagram". Safetagram is a combination of safe and telegram which represents a communication and information sharing platform like Instagram (in terms of UI UX) but with an additional layer of protection. Using the Safetagram innovation, the STG2021 Team was able to compete with 200+ teams who registered and submitted works.
Through TSDN 2023, there is an important message to prioritize and maintain privacy. Safetagram develops a mobile application similar to Instagram which is given additional features in the form of automatic image selection. Seeing the positive impacts and potential risks associated with uploading images, the STG2021 team is not only committed to providing a great user experience but also in maintaining the security and privacy of personal data.
Finally, in relation to the General Data Protection Regulation, a strict personal data protection regulation through the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in the image upload process, the STG2021 Team has created an additional layer of protection that has answered business problems and is ready to applied in the industrial world. Data is a valuable asset, and the General Data Protection Regulation is a critical step towards trust and security in the digital era.
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Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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