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Field Lecture of Jember University in the Mathematics Education Department, FMIPA UNY
A total of 74 students and 5 lecturers from the Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Jember University conducted field lectures at FMIPA UNY, Tuesday (28/5). The group was welcomed by Deputy Dean I Dr. Suyanta, Head of the Mathematics Education Department, Dr. Sugiman, Coordinator of the Mathematics Education Study Program, Dr. Ali Mahmudi, and Bambang Sumarno, M.Kom.
Supervisor, Drs. Totok Bara Setiawan, said, "From this visit, they will tell stories there and imitate UNY's progress. I used to have a bachelor's and bachelor's degree at UNY, and now UNY is developing very rapidly, especially in terms of building infrastructure. For learning in the laboratory, hopefully, students will be able to emulate their learning creativity so that it can be applied at the University of Jember".
Meanwhile, Dr. Suyanto said that in the last period, UNY has been one of the universities that is much sought after by the public. At this year's SNMPTN, there were around 700 people interested in entering the Mathematics Education Study Program (for their 1st choice only) and only 15 people were accepted. The number of enthusiastic applicants for the Mathematics Education Study Program is ranked third at UNY.
Our target is for college students to graduate in 4 years, and there have been some who graduated in less than 4 years.
Dr. Sugiman explained that there are two programs in the Mathematics Education Department, namely the regular program and the superior program (international class). For international classes, 75% of the lectures are in English, the references must be in English, and for calculus, we choose books in simple language. Now it requires the most difficult material, because there is a lot of material, there are many tricks, and there is little time, whereas students usually rarely practice enough except before exams.
To boost quality, we direct young lecturers to take doctoral degrees abroad. Currently, 4 lecturers are studying abroad. Among them are those in the Netherlands taking Realistic Mathematics Education, and those in Australia taking Cognitive Load Theory.
After completing the dialogue, the event continued with a visit to the mathematics education lab guided by students majoring in mathematics education. (witono)
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Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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