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In order to adapt the curriculum to the developments and needs of society, the Department of Mathematics Education conducts a series of curriculum monitoring and evaluation (monev) activities that are carried out periodically and continuously. In 2022, part of this monitoring and evaluation activity is the Curriculum Review Workshop which will be carried out by each study program in the Department of Mathematics Education, FMIPA UNY. This workshop discusses the scientific vision of study program and review of Course Learning Outcomes-Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPMK-CPL).
The workshop activities were held on Thursday, 18 August 2019 at the Grand Rohan Hotel Yogyakarta which was attended by 45 lecturers from the Department of Mathematics Education. This activity was opened by the Head of the Department of Mathematics Education, Dr. Sri Andayani and then the presenters, Prof. Dr. Sugiman as the Coordinator of the Masters and Doctoral Study Programs in Mathematics Education, Mrs. Dr. Sri Andayani as the Coordinator of the Mathematics Study Program, Mrs. Kismiantini, Ph.D. as the Coordinator of the Statistics Study Program, and Mrs. Endah Retnowati, Ph.D. as the Coordinator of the Mathematics Education Study Program.
The main discussant of the scientific vision of the Bachelor of Statistics Study Program is Mrs. Prof. Dr. Dhoriva Urwatul Wutsqa, Prof. Dr. Agus Maman Abadi, Mr. Dr. Hartono, Mrs. Dr. Djamilah Bondan Widjajanti, and Mrs. Dr. Sri Andayani. The results of this review discussion agreed that the scientific vision of the S1 Statistics Study Program is
"In 2025 it will become a Statistics study program that excels in computing-based educational and social science data analysis at the national level to produce creative and innovative graduates based on piety, independence, and intelligence."
The second activity is a review of the CPMK-CPL study programs in the Department of Mathematics Education, FMIPA UNY. Mr/Mrs lecturer of Statistics Expertise Group (KBK), namely Prof. Dr. Dhoriva Urwatul Wutsqa, Kismiantini, Ph.D., Rosita Kusumawati, M.Sc., Ezra Putranda Setiawan, M.Sc., Bayutama Isnaini, M.Sc., and Indira Ihnu Brilliant, M.Stat. hold discussions regarding the suitability of CPMK-CPL S1 Statistics Study Program in Semester Learning Plans (RPS) in courses held in odd and even semesters. In this review, the emphasis is on adding literacy content in the 4.0 industrial revolution era to RPS.
The activity of formulating the scientific vision of the study program, reviewing the curriculum and evaluating the lesson plan is an effort by the study program to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the curriculum. Activities like this are a form of quality assurance that is implemented internally, independently and continuously. Thus, the quality of lectures can be better and of higher quality.
Sistem Informasi
Kontak Kami
Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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