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Brilliant Achievements of UNY 2021 Statistics Students in LIKMI 2023
A number of UNY 2021 Statistics students won achievements in the 2nd LIKMI #2 (Indonesian Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition) 2023 in the UKI (Beverage Entrepreneurship), UFA (Fashion Business), and UTT (Applied Technology and Technology Design Business) categories. The UFA field was represented by Fahadia Khalda Auliannisa (Statistics 2021) with the title "TTS: Tote bag Tourism Scan" winning 1st place with mentor Mr. Firmansyah, M.Pd. (FIPP). Furthermore, the UKI field was supervised by Mr. Ahmad Chafid Alwi, M.Pd. (FEB) with the title "Jampe: Strengthening Food Security in Support of the Priority Agenda of the Indonesian G20 Presidency" by Asma' Khoirunnisa' (Statistics 2021) won 2nd place.
UTT field with the title "FO-Shion (Find Your Shade Cushion): As a Solution for Choosing a Shade Cushion that Suits Skintone Based on Spark AR Studio" by Fitroh Ayu Wulandari (Statistika 2021), Putri Liza Zakiyah (Statistika 2021), Annisa Nur Lathifah (Statistics 2021), and Fadhila Fathin Zahra (Statistics 2021) managed to get 3rd place. Lastly, Muhammad Akhdaan Al Ghozi (Statistics 2021) won 2nd Runner Up in the UKI Division with the title “Najah Sticky Milk: A Contemporary Drink that is Healthy, Fresh and Enjoyable ”. Both were supervised by Mr Heru Sukoco, S.Si., M.Pd (FMIPA).
The 2023 National Entrepreneurship Competition, LIKMI ( will compete in 12 competition categories, followed by 882 teams (3,670 students) from 214 universities (public and private), spread across 26 Province. The implementation of this competition starts on February 1 2023 (registration), Stage 1 Selection (Administrative), Stage 2 Selection (Finalist) which leaves the 6 best works from each competition category to enter the Final Judging and Presentation Round on February 4 2023. This success of course it comes from the support of various parties, especially the Statistics Study Program and FMIPA UNY in supporting students to continue to excel.
Sistem Informasi
Kontak Kami
Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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