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Visiting Professor with Prof. Wei-Ying Wu Session 1: Numerical Integration

On Monday 13 May 2024, the Statistics Study Program of UNY held a visiting professor lecture with Prof. Wei-Ying Wu, Ph.D. from National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan accompanied by three postgraduate students from that campus. This Inbound Visiting Professor program is held with the fund from the UNY Equity program. This activity will last for 4 days, namely 13-16 May 2024.
In Session 1, the lecture covered the topic of Numerical Integration. Integrating is an important tool in studying probability, especially when working with probability density functions. For students of the Bachelor Statistics Study Program UNY, integration material is provided in the Basic Calculus for Statistics and Advanced Calculus for Statistics courses. However, of course, there are still many integration topics that can be studied and deepened.
The discussion begins with the limitations of analytical integration techniques, then a numerical explanation of integration using the Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule, Midpoint rule, and Right/Left Arm rule. Apart from theoretical explanations, Prof. Wu and one of his students also guided UNY Statistics students to practice with the R program. At the end of session 1, students were given homework to help students more easily understand the material that had been given.
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Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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