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2018 Statistics Study Program Students Pass Research Proposals for 70 FMIPA UNY Titles
April 15, 2020, FMIPA UNY Student Affairs 2020 has selected 113 proposals submitted by FMIPA UNY students, and the results obtained were that 70 titles were announced passed and will be funded in the 2020 fiscal year. This is encouraging news for the 2018 Statistics study program students for the first time taking part in this selection and successfully brought five proposals for funding. The following are the titles of the proposals and teams from the 2018 Statistics study program that passed with supervisor Mrs. Kismiantini, Ph.D.:
1) Title: Prediction of the increase in the number of car users in 2020 in Indonesia using the auto-regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) approach
Team: Annisa Al Fitri, Salsa-Billa Syahida Al-Hasania, Syaifullah Yusuf Ramadhan
2) Title: Forecasting cocoa income in Indonesia using the ARIMA model
Team: Akdis Setiawan, Ni Putu Sinta Yanti, Alita Ramadhina, Ndaru Wicaksono Aji, Zulfa Safina Ibrahim
3) Title: Analysis of the relative risk of hypertension sufferers in the city of Yogyakarta using Poisson regression
Team: Adi Setiawan, Binti Luthfiyaturrohmah Aj, Fabian Vito Pradipta
4) Title: Analysis of factors influencing the depth index and severity index of poverty in Indonesia using a multivariate regression approach
Team: Nusyrotus Sa'adah, Hadi Faisal Afif, Luthfiana Azura Banowati, Reynaldi Komtua Nabaho, Andriati Langiran
5) Title: Identify factors that influence village development in Indonesia using ordinal regression
Team: Afrizal Nur Hidayat, Nova Aditya Putri, Hanezsya Camila Ibrahim, Hafizh Nur Ihsan, Rasyidhani Aditya Rizky
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Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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