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“Alumni Serving session 2”: tips for facing the challenges of the world of work at Bank Indonesia and tips for becoming a successful entrepreneur

Alumni service activity which was held on Friday 17 November 2017 was attended by Meyla Prima Susilawati, M.Si who is an alumna of the Mathematics study program in 1997. Meyla, as she is known, graduated from the mathematics study program and then took various entrance tests at Bank Indonesia. There were many competing test takers from well-known universities and finally, Meyla was accepted as an employee of Bank Indonesia (BI) and has continued her career to this day. Meyla conveyed many messages and experiences apart from tips for entering BI, namely that graduates of the Mathematics study program have a great opportunity to work at BI. Mathematics study program graduates with expertise in statistics, applied mathematics, computers, analysis, or algebra all have the same opportunities. They can work in data analysis, modeling, computing, etc. Not only that, but to successfully pursue a career at BI you must be accompanied by perseverance, honesty, and foreign language skills.
The second resource person is the 2007 Mathematics Study Program Alumni who succeeded in becoming director of the Pacific Marine School located in Kalasan, Yogyakarta. Agung Setya Nugraha, S.Si. His full name and address is Mas Agung. Alumni service activities make students enthusiastic and enthusiastic. Mas Agung conveyed tips for success at work and how to face the challenges of the world of work. As a mathematics alumni, the material I learned while studying is very useful in my work now, even though not directly. Mathematics creates a logical way of thinking. Experience sharing was also conveyed starting from graduating to being involved in the maritime world and establishing a school to prepare for work in the shipping and hotel world. Business success cannot be separated from hard work and efforts towards Allah SWT as well as family support. With this alumni meeting activity, it is hoped that it can be run regularly to equip students so that they are well-prepared when they graduate. We are waiting for the next activity.
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Kontak Kami
Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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