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Yogyakarta State University's Mathematics Education Study Program, FMIPA, held a Workshop on Writing Scientific Articles for International Publication on December 3. The workshop participants were lecturers from the UNY Mathematics Education Department and several lecturers from the Mathematics Education Study Program from various universities in Yogyakarta. The workshop, which was held as an effort to internationalize the study program, was guided by Dr. Wanty Widjaja, a lecturer and researcher from Deakin University, Australia. Dr. Wanty Widjaja was invited as a resource person because he has many scientific publications at the international level. Furthermore, many of his works are related to the educational context in Indonesia. Therefore, it is hoped that Dr. Wanty Widjaja not only provides explanations about the technical side of scientific publications but also shares tips on how to process Indonesian education issues or themes on the international stage.
Dr. Wanty Widjaja emphasized the importance of collaboration with colleagues and participation in research groups is the key to success in publishing scientific publications at the international level. Apart from that, researchers must also be enthusiastic and never give up on submitting their work. "If one journal does not accept your manuscript, send it to another," said Dr. Wanty Widjaja. Apart from that, writing scientific papers is not a talent but a skill that can always be honed and improved.
The participants were first asked to bring a draft of their scientific work. In the workshop session, participants were asked to discuss their work with each other by receiving guidance and input from Dr. Wanty Widjaja. The participants seemed enthusiastic about participating in the workshop session and hoped that this activity could be carried out sustainably. (Ariyadi)
Sistem Informasi
Kontak Kami
Program Studi Statistika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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