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Who says UNY students only excel in education-based fields? UNY always provides facilities for its students to develop talents and interests in all kinds of fields. This can be proven by various student activity units. One of the administrators of Field II (Research) at UNY Research UKM, Rifaldy Fajar (from the 2014 Mathematics Study Program), has just returned from the Nanyang Technological University - Model of United Nation (NTU-MUN) event in Singapore (19-21/2). The model of the United Nations (MUN) itself is a simulation forum for UN activities held by various institutions in various parts of the world.
Rifaldy Fajar is a UNY student who represents Indonesia in this very prestigious event. Rifaldy is a member of the Organization of American States which represents the country of El Salvador. Model United Nations is a simulation of a UN session, where each participant will act as a delegate from a country and become part of one of the UN councils. Not only are you good at communicating in English, but in MUN activities you must also have skills in drafting, lobbying, and diplomatic behavior.
The UN Council at the 2016 NTU MUN activities this time is GA (General Assembly) which consists of DISEC (Disarmament and International Security), ECOFIN (Economic and Financial Council), and SOCHUM (Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee). ECOSOC and Regional Bodies consisting of UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Council for Asia and Pacific), UNEP (United Nations Human Rights Council), and UNCSD (United Nations Commission on Social Development). Specialized Agencies consisting of OAS (Organization of American States), Indonesia 1998 Crisis Committee, CCIA (Convert Conference for Intelligence Agencies), and UNSC (United Nations Security Council). And finally, the Press Corps is tasked with reporting every incident within the council. Nanyang Technological University Model United Nations 2016 (NTU MUN 2016) was held by the Nanyang Technological University MUN Club. This activity took place from 19 February 2016 to 21 February 2016 at the Nanyang Executive Center, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. NTU MUN is an international standard activity because those taking part in this activity are not only local high school students and students but also students and students from overseas such as America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and even Africa.
Rifaldy Fajar (Mathematics 2014) acts as a delegate from El Salvador on the OAS (Organization of American States) council. According to him, this council is very tough because there are only 15 representatives from several countries on the OAS council so all delegates are required to actively contribute to discussions, debates, and negotiations in the 3 day activities. The position paper which discusses the two main topics of each delegation in the OAS council, namely the Continental Narcotics Trade and the Free Trade Area between American States, are two sensitive issues that Rifaldy must be able to explore from the perspective of El Salvador. According to him, this is an experience and learning that he needs, especially when he is in global forums. Rifaldy advised his fellow students, especially UNY, to always learn from various places and conditions. Take advantage of our privileges as students to continue to upgrade our capacity and make our alma mater proud. There will be more value and valuable processes that we will get when we have gone through that. An increasingly open mind, broader horizons, and the intention to keep learning and keep trying are one of the rewards we will get and this is a provision for our and the country's future. (Astri UKMP)
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Program Studi Statistika
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