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The national character that is the goal of national education is an intelligent character based on the values of faith, piety, and noble morals. Mathematics learning that is oriented towards developing students' thinking potential is very strategic in contributing to achieving this goal. One alternative is through learning research that is oriented towards improving the quality of didactic design including studies of teachers' thinking processes that occur in the pre-learning phase, during learning, and after learning. The analysis results from this process have the potential to produce innovative didactic designs and these three processes can be formulated as a series of steps to produce new didactic designs. That's what Prof. said. Dr. Didi Suryadi, M.Ed Assistant Director I Postgraduate School, Indonesian Education University, Bandung in the National Seminar on Mathematics and Mathematics Education in the meeting room of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University (UNY) on Saturday, 27 November 2010. This seminar is a series of activities for the Mathematics Education Scientific Week held as a routine agenda for the Department of Mathematics Education as a vehicle for educators and researchers in the field of mathematics and mathematics education to share their knowledge and experiences. Opened by UNY Assistant Chancellor I Prof. Dr. Nurfina Aznam, SU, Apt, in her speech said that UNY, which has an intellectual, independent and conscientious vision, has a contribution to apply to students, such as every student is given soft skills training ranging from leadership to entrepreneurship, apart from that, every new student is given Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) training. This is because character education at UNY is implemented in every academic community. To develop character education, UNY collaborates with Aichi University, Japan, to look at character education which is so ingrained there. "Young children of kindergarten or elementary school age in Japan have been released to go to school alone by using public transportation, where during the trip which changes modes of transportation, older school children of middle or high school age will look after them," said Nurfina.
Taking the theme "Increasing the contribution of research and mathematics learning in efforts to build national character", the seminar also featured Prof. Dr. Rer. Nat. Widodo, President of the Indonesian Mathematics Society and chairman of the mathematics department at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. "What is done in mathematics research is Proof, Extension, Application, Characterization, and Existence, as well as Abstraction and Generalization", said Widodo, "A person enjoys doing mathematical research because he appreciates the beauty of mathematics, especially the beauty of logic and abstract patterns in his research, and at the same time enjoys discovering abstract patterns in his research, especially patterns that are quite difficult". According to the chairman of the national seminar committee for the Scientific Week of Mathematics Education, Bambang Sumarno, M.Kom, this seminar is expected to be the beginning of a revival of education and research in the field of mathematics and mathematics education to be more synergistic with the implementation of character education which has been launched by the government and participated in by various universities and agencies in Indonesia even had participants from Universiti Malaysia Trengganu.
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Program Studi Statistika
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