Guest Lecture with the topic "Statistics and Data Science Collaboration Skills" by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eric Alan Vance

The Undergraduate Statistics Study Program, Department of Mathematics Education, FMIPA UNY held a Guest Lecture with the theme "Statistics and Data Science Collaboration Skills", this activity was carried out offline in Meeting Room 2 FMIPA UNY on Tuesday, 10 October 2023. Main speaker at the guest lecture this is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eric Alan Vance from the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado Boulder USA. This activity was attended by students of the 2023, 2022 and 2021 FMIPA UNY Undergraduate Statistics Study Program.

Guest Lecture dengan topik “Statistics and Data Science Collaboration Skills” oleh Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eric Alan Vance

Program Studi S1 Statistika Departemen Pendidikan Matematika FMIPA UNY menyelenggarakan Guest Lecture dengan tema “Statistics and Data Science Collaboration Skills” , kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara luring (offline) di Ruang Sidang 2 FMIPA UNY pada Hari Selasa, 10 Oktober 2023. Pembicara utama pada guest lecture ini adalah Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eric Alan Vance dari Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado Boulder USA.


Pada hari Selasa (22/09/2015) dilaksanakan kuliah tamu di Program Studi Matematika UNY dengan narasumber Prof. Jemal Hussein Abawajy dari Deakin University, Australia. Kuliah tamu tersebut dihadiri oleh dosen dan mahasiswa Prodi Matematika FMIPA UNY. Dalam kuliah yang bertema “Big data analytics: Recent trends and opportunities” tersebut, Prof. Abawajy memaparkan perkembangan riset tentang big data dari masa ke masa. Menurut Prof.